Towards a New Future

Transforming the way we conceptualize, design, plan, and build, visionaries are creating new models for smart, sustainable cities delivering economic, environmental, and social advantages and opportunities. The emergence of innovative “smart” technologies is enabling next-gen design and construction companies to deliver unprecedented outcomes in terms of efficiency, performance, speed, and sustainability.

Moreover, with nearly seven out of every ten people living in cities by 2050, rapid urbanization presents an opportunity for city planners and local governments to adopt new approaches and technologies, building smarter and more sustainable cities for their citizens. Adopting seamlessly integrated physical and digital infrastructures transforms challenges—aging public infrastructure, air pollution, scarce resources, and traffic congestion—into opportunities for economic growth

With ATV

We Continuously develop improved services with our partners, making sure to use the latest robust Technologies and Methods. ATV ensures reliability and value as primary goals for our customers and projects.

At ATV, integrity is the cornerstone that drives our commitment to innovation. We firmly believe in building trust through transparency, ethical practices, and a commitment to sustainability. These core values guide our partnerships and guarantee that each project delivers a lasting value, not just for our customers, but for the communities we serve.

Partnering with industrial and tech leaders from across the world, we offer a comprehensive portfolio of solutions providing the highest standards of safety, sustainability, and social impact.

Creating a better tomorrow

We leverage deep insights into lifestyle demands, infrastructure, and smart city best practices to create long-term value. Partnering with suppliers and clients, we drive sustainable development for both private and public entities, delivering new opportunities, strategies, and solutions. Our approach includes:

  • Reinventing the user experience.
  • People and their environmental wellbeing.
  • Efficient work, living, and play spaces.
  • Digital collaboration and communication.
  • City planning guidelines and regulations.
  • Future possibilities for additional solutions or services.

Viewing every interaction as a valuable investment, we’ll question the how and why, explore new viewpoints and different solutions, and collaborate to arrive at a sustainable plan for the benefit of both current and future generations..

Why Choose
Advanced Technologies Valley?


Local Presence

Based in Riyadh, we have local and global partners, bringing you the expertise and experience you need, when you need it.


Recognized across the region for engineering excellence, our professional consultants offer expertise, experience, and quality


We take the time to build strong partnerships with our partners and clients to generate long- term value based on ongoing commitment.

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